Nowhere to be.

How rare is it that you have absolutely nowhere to be?    Even on our days off, we might not technically have anywhere to be but we have a to do list longer than the 7th Harry Potter book.  This is why we love vacations right? It is the chance for us to have nothing to do, nowhere to be and finally let our brains and bodies go…”ahhhhh”.

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We had somewhat of a blizzard here on Tuesday, so AU ended up closing at 11am.  That feeling of freedom when you hear the word “snow day” still has the same effect as an adult as it did when we were 10 years old.  Why is that?  Because as kids, it meant a full day of PLAY, of doing nothing we HAD to do and everything we WANTED to do.  I think we all get taken back to that place when we are lucky enough to have a snow day, vacation day, mental day whatever it is.

I have been feeling a little run down as of lately, so this was such a blessing.  Yes, I had plenty to do at work and really could have just stayed  considering I live 10 minutes away and my drive was not dangerous.  But I didn’t.  And you know what? I did not feel guilty either.

When I got home approximately 12 minutes after leaving work (I know, even in a blizzard) I suited up into all my snow gear and took my pup on a long, beautiful, slow walk.  No, not a rushed walk where I am worrying about being late to work, a walk that could have taken 20 minutes or 2 hours, did not matter.  I had nowhere to be.  The only thing I had to do was take in the beautiful nature around me.   It is amazing how much more beautiful life can be when we have no where to be but that moment, and we can savor that moment for all it’s worth.

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After that, I made myself a yummy bowl of pumpkin granola and almond milk with sliced bananas and savored the heck out it (again no rushing here) while watching several Modern Family episodes.  I should tell you that I NEVER watch TV, like ever.   I forget sometimes how awesome it is to sit down and just laugh your butt off at a sitcom, by yourself.  Friends anybody? Literally dying laughing.  Then I did some journaling, wrote a few blog posts for the future, wrote up some workout plans and even finished a book.  All before 3pm!!!  Naturally, I decided to head to Crossfit and squeeze my second workout in for the day (I had run earlier that morning).  Why not right? I had nowhere to be!  When I came home,  Shain and I had a yummy dinner together (also never happens) and parked our butts on the comfy couch and relaxed all night.

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Sorry my food pictures are awful, this was yummy.

I have a challenge for you.  I want you to make a list.  If you had a whole day with NOTHING you HAD to do, what would you fill it with?  Make a list right now of things you love to do, things that make you really happy.  For me, that is spending time outside, reading, journaling in coffee shops, working out, spending time with friends & family, my dog.  List  all yours out on a piece of paper.  Now I want you to look at that paper and try and do one of those things at least once a week, maybe more.  We all have things we have to do, obligations to uphold, bills to pay but that doesn’t mean we should not make time for the things that make our souls happy.

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Stay blessed in the mess 🙂


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