
I have a confession.  I hate carrots.  They are so boring, especially if they are not covered in ranch or anything that makes them 100% less healthy.  However, if you were to ask my co-workers they would tell you I love carrots because I am constantly eating them.  All day LONG. I go through about a bag a day, sometimes more.  It is because I am a notorious nosher.  If I am sitting at my desk, I need to be constantly munching.  So I keep carrots at my desk at all times,  they get the job done.  Now, in a perfect world where you can eat whatever you want and not be 400 pounds- my day time snack of choice would be anything chocolate covered.

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When asking one of my clients this week how her healthy eating was going she replied, “Terrible, it’s not hard to lose weight, it is hard to make good choices.”  She hit the nail right on the head.  There is no miracle drug, no magic pill.  Eating well and exercising IS the pill.  Making the right choices IS the pill.  Personally, I really enjoy cooking and eating healthy because it makes me feel good and I believe in taking care of myself.  But that does not mean I don’t know how to splurge.  In fact, I would choose to live off of Portillos chocolate cake and pizza  if it did not turn me into Jabba the Hutt.  You should google images of Jabba the Hutt by the way, made me laugh out loud.


Being healthy, fit and looking how you want to look, is also not this amazing puzzle piece you one day find and are like “OMG! It’s so easy! I finally figured it out!”  No, no.  It is a CONSTANT choice.  A choice to take the stairs.  A choice to get up early and run even when you are dying to sleep in.  A choice to go workout after work when really all you want is a beer.  A choice to snack on carrots instead of Sour Patch Kids.  It is not easy.  But it is SO worth that feeling of putting on a pair of your jeans and NOT having to drop it like it’s hot …JUST to get them past your hips (Men, if only you knew how awful jeans could be).  It is SO worth looking in the mirror and genuinely being pleased.  It is worth the energy levels that sky rocket and make you feel like you can conquer the world because your body is full of good nutrients.

Did you make bad choices today?  It’s okay, we all do.  As long as the majority of your choices are good ones, you are well on your way 🙂





  • Stephanie Long

    Jill! Brian sent me your blog today and I love it! I’m trying to run a lot more and loose around five pounds and your blog totally inspired me! Keep up the good work sister! Happy engagement and I hope you are doing well 🙂

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